Thursday, June 19, 2014


          According to Wikipedia 'Racism consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently'. In other words, people should be treated differently based on the color of their skin and people are considered inferior/superior based on the color of their skin. Basically, the skin is the major problem here. But why should the color of my skin be a problem to anybody?
          Racism was considered 'dead' when it was formally banned in the 20th century. But is racism really dead? The answer is NO. Racism is very much alive.
            Mr. West was partially right. Yes, racism is alive; No, they don't conceal it(whoever they are). Last week, a friend and I wanted to grab a quick lunch at Burger King and we got lost so we were asking for directions. Then we saw this man-he was white of course-and as we approached him he spat on the ground. And he was shaking his head and saying 'No, I don't have any money'. Then he entered his car and drove off. And i'm like,
I just experienced racism in it's full form, in broad daylight, in the 21st century. Black people have been so stereotyped that every black male is a criminal and every black female is a whore. In the case of that man we were homeless beggars. I was not dressed like a beggar neither was my friend and we even looked cleaner than he was so I couldn't understand why he thought we were beggars. It was baffling and disturbing to say the least.
I saw this picture on the internet and I was like 'Seriously, people still say stuffs like this in the 21st century?' Why should you be in jail cos you are a black teenager? Are all black teenagers criminals? So white people don't commit crimes too?. If you are walking down an alley at night and see a black male coming towards you and you begin to panic or cross to the other side of the road then you are a bloody racist. Because you assumed that he was going to rob or attack you cos he's black.
          We can never truly leave in peace if we don't change our perception about people's race, either black, white, Asian or whatever. We need to stop assuming and judging people based on the color of their skins. If we can learn to see each other as brothers-or sisters- instead of distant strangers then the world would be a better place. P.S that's a line from Tupac's song lol. Peace


  1. Might be a good idea to stop using terms like "Chinco" as well.

    1. I never knew how much of an impact words like 'chinco' had on the western world and I am glad I have the opportunity to learn about different cultures that would help me avoid making derogatory comments about other races. P.S JACK was my own word not 'chinco'

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